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Maximum Green Food

One of the keys to natural healing is nutrition. The average diet in industrialized countries is woefully inadequate and is believed to be part of the cause for many diseases.

Thus, superfood, like Maximum Green Food, is the first step to changing your lifestyle to one that promotes healing.

Maximum Green Food contains natural sources for vitamins and minerals in keeping with the belief that when vitamins or minerals are processed and isolated like they are in most supplements, they are less readily absorbed by the human body.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, Maximum Green Food also contains the rich protein sources of Spirulina and Chlorella. Often when a person is sick, they do not absorb nutrients as well as a healthy person. Since these are single-cell plants, their nutritional value is absorbed as easily as possible.

Many people find Maximum Green Food more filling than other superfood formulas and feel a blast of energy that lasts throughout the day. I take it religiously every morning and notice a big difference in my energy level if I'm forced to miss a day.

I recommend taking two heaping tablespoonfuls in juice first thing in the morning. Even better is adding it to fresh squeezed juice or a fresh fruit smoothie.

Ingredients: Spirulina, Chlorella, Alfalfa grass, Barley grass, Wheat grass, Purple dulse seaweed, Beet root, Spinach leaf, Rose hips, Orange peel, Lemon peel, and non-active saccharomyces cervisiae nutritional yeast.

Maximum Green Food
$28 for a 14 oz. can

Maximum Green Food
$18 for a 7 oz. can

Disclaimer: None of the statements on this page have been evaluated by the FDA and should not be taken as medical advice. We are not responsible for any bad reactions you may have after taking this product.

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© Copyright Kanon Kubose

Disclaimer: None of the statements on this page have been evaluated by the FDA and should not be taken as medical advice. We are not responsible for any bad reactions you may have after taking this product.